In its early days, the finished Dolby logo at the end looked different.The camera zooms through the doors to a Dolby Digital logo with a light shining across the top of it. The theater has a Dolby Digital logo which the words 'NOW PLAYING' and 'THE SOUND OF THE FUTURE' under it. The neon letters flash one by one as we go to ground level. We move over the buildings to see a theater with a huge pylon with the Double-D symbol and neon letters spelling 'DOLBY' and spotlights nearby.
On a night city background, there are lightning flashes as we follow a helicopter. Once it's out of the picture, a golden tone Dolby Digital logo fades in and the smoky background fades away. On a smoky background, we see the camera who zooms out to reveal the wheels of a rusty train fade into picture and the train starts to move.